
It’s only been about five months that I started this blog and I have five awards, already. And this one is sixth. 😀 Am I excited? Am I exhilarated? Am I on cloud nine? Well, no phrase or adjective can cover how overwhelmed I am feeling right now.

This blog is my baby. I never thought that I would make new friends here so soon and have a long list of readers. I thought that it will go unnoticed. But the support, love and motivation that you lovers have given me, I have no words that can express my gratitude towards you. All I will say is that I love you all and this little blog world here, is my home.

Nicole, has bestowed me with ‘The sisterhood of the world award’. Her blog consists of beautiful poetry and short stories that will make you fall in love with her writing. She writes with no inhibitions, only true from her heart. Make sure you follow her. You will thank me later. 😉


– Thank the person who nominated you.

– Add the award logo to your blog.

– Answer the questions asked by the nominator.

– Nominate 5 bloggers.

– Ask 10 questions of your own.


1. What is that one movie that you can’t get enough of?

A) P S I love you. It’s my favorite love story. I fill buckets of tears every time I watch this movie.

2. Who is/are your favorite person/peeps?

A) Geminis! 😛 I don’t know, I have never hated a Gemini. I actually fall in love with them, instantly. 😉

3. Beauty or brains?

A) Brains! Beauty will fade with time but a beautiful mind will always be a good company for life. 🙂

4. What are the characteristics of your ideal man?

A) Great sense of humor.

Would never lie and keep no secrets.

Emotionally strong.

5. What is your favorite quote and why?

A) If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until you can hardly bear to look at it. A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely. — Roald Dahl, The Twits

6. What was your family like growing up?

A) They were always very loving, supportive and together. 🙂 My father is my idol. He is the best and I am my daddy’s girl. 😀

7. What’s it like when you had the best date of your life?

A) I guess that is yet to come.

8. If you’re a student what do you study (course)?

A) I am done with my engineering. 🙂

9. What is your favorite flower?

A) Roses.

10. Do you agree that love is blind? Why or why not?

A) It is sometimes but that is very unhealthy kind of love and doesn’t last long. I believe in open eyed, intelligent and true kind of love. Where you both know each other’s faults, mistakes and where one stands but still love each other. There is an understanding of why one did that and a promise to make compromises and amends.

I believe in the kind of love where there is a room to learn and grow, & no repetition of same mistakes. The kind of love with emotional strength and logic.

There is this quote by Tammara Webber which I love, ‘Love is not the absence of logic but logic examined and recalculated, heated and curved to fit inside the contours of the heart’. This is the kind of love I believe in. 🙂


Izza Ifzaal


Simple Head Girl

Tienny- The storyteller

Nimmi Naren

MY QUESTIONS: 1) Who is your favorite musician?

2) Your favorite tv series?

3) Your favorite tv series when you were a child?

4) What is your take on religion and spirituality?

5) Your favorite pet animal?

6) Sunset or sunrise?

7) Your favorite genre to read?

8) Your idol?

9) Your favorite sport?

10) Do you believe in giving second chance to a liar?




  1. Thank you for that thoughtful mention ❤ You are like a sister to me here at WordPress that's why this award really belongs to you ❤ Wow! I'm fascinated by people who are taking or have already finished their Engineering course 😀 (because Math hates me) If you don't mind me asking, what kind of Engineering course did you finished?

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